
Cinematography is the art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves such techniques as the general composition of a scene.

To have a profound movie cinematography is an essential facet if not the most important. Of course it will be expected of me to deliver a very good understanding of cinematography through my opening scene. As such it is important to know the shot types within this field.

Extreme Long Shot
extreme long shot to make your subject feel distant or unfamiliar.

Long Shot
This is used to keep your subject in plain view amidst grander surroundings

Full Shot
This lets your subject or subjects fill the frame while keeping emphasis on scenery

Extreme Close-Up Shot
This can be used in order to create suspenseful moments for the viewer.

Close-Up Shot
The close-up shot is usually used to Express a significant emotion and identify a moment of extreme importance to the story.

Medium Shot
Medium shots draw attention to both the character and their surroundings.

High Angle Shot
High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless

Low Angle Shot
The effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful.


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